
State of decay 2 day one patch
State of decay 2 day one patch

state of decay 2 day one patch

Bloater gas clouds in Daybreak now play their proper audio every time.It’s no longer possible to accidentally place the Red Talon Watchtower facility into a slot that prevents your survivors from actually being able to get inside the facility.

state of decay 2 day one patch

  • Players will no longer automatically (and erroneously) unlock the “Cargo Cult” achievement while downloading Daybreak. Building the CLEO Relay Facility is how you get it now, as originally intended.
  • Because that’s just a little TOO disciplined.

    state of decay 2 day one patch

    Red Talon recruits who are euthanized no longer remain static in a standing position.The Tactics skill now properly allows a character in stealth to silently open locked doors.All that Red Talon training has to be worth something, right? You can now properly deliver the special “standing execution” move unlocked by the Heroism skill.Fixed an issue where, if a player in Daybreak looking at the shared inventory disconnected, other players were blocked from accessing the inventory.Red Talon traits, skills, and hero bonuses should no longer appear on non-Red Talon characters.As before, if you encounter the bug after installing the update, please let us know! We were finally able to reproduce the dreaded audio blowout bug in a dev environment, and we have a new intended fix.


    Patch 4.2 features several fixes related to the Daybreak Pack, as well as some quality-of-life improvements for the full game.

    State of decay 2 day one patch